Know The Answer?
Who said to Moses, "Why do you alone sit as judge?"

Exodus 18:14

The 1969 Feast of Tabernacles
Good News Magazine
September-October 1969
Volume: Vol XVIII, No. 9-10
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The 1969 Feast of Tabernacles
Albert J Portune & Paul S Royer  

What kind of a Feast will it be for you? Will you really rejoice? Do you know how to truly rejoice? There is a way - God's way - for the greatest Feast ever. YOU ARE a very privileged individual. Not only are you granted the way out of this present evil world, you are blessed to know and keep one of the LAST Feast of Tabernacles during this age. You by properly observing God's great Fall Festival, can experience a foretaste of the wonderful world tomorrow! The whole world is frantically searching for a way out - a way to escape reality. For some, escape means outer space, LSD, dupe, drunkenness, adultery, the movies, TV or a racy novel. None truly succeed except in death. None will escape the wrath to come via this route - except in death. Only you have found the right way, the way that leads to peace of mind now and eternal life tomorrow.

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Good News MagazineSeptember-October 1969Vol XVIII, No. 9-10