Know The Answer?
What is deceitful above all things?
The heart.

Jeremiah 17:9

Plain Truth Magazine
March 22, 1975
Volume: Vol XL, No.5
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Portugal Takes Giant Leap Leftward: After the initial euphoria that followed the end of the authoritarian Caetano regime, a haunting question remained: Would General Antonio Spinola, ostensibly at the head of the revolutionary forces, be able to consolidate Portugal into a democratic government on a par with others of Western Europe? The answer from all indications is a firm "No." It only appears now that the military dictatorship of the Right has been replaced with a military dictatorship of the Left. The once-murky post-revolution picture became clearer with the recent threat of the armed forces to postpone the upcoming spring elections unless given a permanent voice in running the country.

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Plain Truth MagazineMarch 22, 1975Vol XL, No.5