Know The Answer?
What did Jacob call the place where in a dream he saw angels ascending and descending?

Genesis 28

NATO Summit: Prepared Speeches and Few Results
Plain Truth Magazine
June 21, 1975
Volume: Vol XL, No.11
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NATO Summit: Prepared Speeches and Few Results
Raymond Kosanke & Henry Sturcke  

BRUSSELS: The trip by President Gerald Ford to NATO headquarters here - an attempt to reassure European allies of the U.S. commitment to the 26-year-old alliance - is now history. Yet, despite the flurry of activities, speeches, bilateral and multilateral meetings, the most immediate security threat to Europe and the West was not even mentioned in the communique produced at the end of the two-day NATO summit. At a time when many Europeans are wondering about the relevance of the alliance, nothing is being done within the NATO framework to enable its European members to meet the immediate dangers facing them.

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Plain Truth MagazineJune 21, 1975Vol XL, No.11