Know The Answer?
Who besides the priests was to have his own copy of the commandments?
The King

Deuteronomy 17:10-20
Spokesman Club Speech Manual
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Spokesman Club Speech Manual

Just how important is your Spokesman Club - to YOU? Nearly all the leaders in God's great Work - in God's CHURCH - perhaps every one - has received a great part of his training in an Ambassador Club at Ambassador College, or in a Spokesman Club at his local church. Without these speech clubs I do not believe any of those God uses as His leaders would possess either the speaking ability or the leadership exerted today. These many interesting, idea-stimulating, mind-challenging, scintillating evenings they have enjoyed at these sessions have contributed effectively to their personality development. Several who have not attended Ambassador College have developed abilities and borne fruits that have qualified them to be chosen as Elders - several now in full time service. Much - perhaps even most - of the training that has fitted them for this service has come through a Spokesman Club.

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Publication Date: 1980
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