Chronological Table of the Principal Events of the Ecclesiastical History of the First Three Centuries.
Jesus Christ born.
Herod the Great died.
Archelaus banished. Quirinius sent to levy the tax in Judaea. Insurrection of Judas of Galilee.
Augustus died, August 10. Tiberius succeeded.
Jews expelled from Rome.
Jews again expelled from Rome.
Poutius Pilate appointed procurator of Judaea.
Jews allowed to return to Rome.
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Appointment of the Seven Deacons shortly before the Feast of Tabernacles.
Death of Stephen. Conversion of Saul.
Meeting between S. Peter and Simon Magus in Samaria.
Saul in Arabia.
James the Just appointed bishop of Jerusalem. Elders appointed.
Conversion of Cornelius.
Saul returns to Damascus. Goes from thence to Jerusalem; and from thence to Tarsus.
Pontius Pilate banished. Judaea annexed to Syria.
Tiberius died, March 16. Caligula succeeded.
Herod Agrippa made king of his uncle Philip's territories. Herod Antipas banished, and Galiee given to Herod Agrippa.
Caligula orders his statue to be erected in the temple at Jerusalem.
Caligula killed, January 24. Claudius succeeded.
Barnabas brings Saul from Tarsus to Antioch.
Name of Christians first used at Antioch.
Famine in Judaea. Saul and Barnabas go with contributions to Jerusalem.
James the son of Zebedee killed. Peter imprisioned.
Herod Agrippa dies. Cuspius Fadus made procurator.
Paul and Barnabas take their first journey, and return to Antioch.
Tiberius Alexander, procurator of Judaea.
Council at Jerusalem.
Evodius, bishop of Antioch.
Paul sets out on his second journey with Silas; winters at Corinth.
Paul at Corinth; writes his two Epistles to the Thessalonians.
Paul leaves Corinth, visits Jerusalem, and comes to Ephesus.
Agrippa (son of Herod Agrippa) made king of Chalesis, with the superintendence of the Temple.
Cumanus and Felix appointed procurators of Judaea, Samaria, and Galilee.
Paul visits Crete; leaves Titus there, and returns to Ephesus; writes his Epistles to Titus and the Galatians.
Paul writes his first Epistle to the Corinthians. Riot in the theatre. Paul leaves Ephesus; writes his first Epistle to Timothy; traverses Macedonia, writes his second Epistle to the Corinthians, and winters at Corinth.
Claudius gives Trachonitis to Agrippa, instead of his other territories.
Egyptian imposter in Judaea.
Paul writes his Epistle to the Romans, leaves Corinth, goes to Jerusalem, and is imprisoned in Cæsarea.
Felix sole procurator of Judaea.
Claudius poisoned, October 13. Nero succeeded.
Nero gives Galilee and Peraea to Agrippa.
Luke wrote his Gospel.
Festus succeeds Felix as procurator of Judaea.
Paul sails for Rome, winters in Melite.
Paul arrives at Rome; writes his Epistles to the Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and the Philippians.
Luke writes the Acts of the Apostles.
Paul leaves Rome; writes his Epistles to the Hebrews.
Peter visits Rome, and goes from thence to Egypt.
Linus, bishop of Rome.
Mark writes his Gospel.
Peter writes his first Epistle.
James, bishop of Jerusalem, writes his Epistle
Albinus succeeds Festus as procurator of Judaea
James, bishop of Jerusalem, killed. Symeon succeeds.
Death of Mark; Annianus succeeds as bishop of Alexandria.
Burning of Rome. Christians persecuted.
Florus succeeds Albinus as procurator of Judaea.
Jewish war broke out. Christians retire to Pella.
Matthew writes his Gospel.
Epistle of Jude.
Paul goes to Rome; writes his second Epistle to Timothy.
Peter writes his second Epistle, and goes to Rome.
Peter and Paul killed.
Linus killed. Aneneletus succeeds as bishop of Rome.
Nero dies, June 9. Galba, Otho, Vitellius.
Vespasian made emperor, July 1.
Ignatius succeeds Evodius as bishop of Antioch, v. 46.
Destruction of Jerusalem by Titus.
Rise of the Ebionites and Nazarenes.
Vespasian died, June 24. Titus succeeds.
Titus died, September 13. Domitian succeeded.
Abilius succeeded Annianus as bishop of Alexandria, v. 62.
Cerinthians and Nicolaitans, heretics.
Clement succeeded Anencletus as bishop of Rome, v. 68.
Persecution: Acilius Giabrio and Flavius Clemens suffer at Rome. John banished to Patmos; wrote his Revelations.
Domitian died, September 18. Nerva succeeded.
John returns to Ephesus. Wrote his Gospel and Epistles.
Cerdo succeeded Abilius as bishop of Alexandria, v. 82.
Nerva died, January 27. Trajan succeeded.
Evarestus succeeded Clement as bishop of Rome, v. 93.
Symeon bishop of Jerusalem, martyred. Justus succeeded, v. 62.
Elaxai joins the Ebionites.
Trajan sets out for Parthia, and stops at Antioch.
Martyrdom of Ignatius. Heros succeeds as bishop of Antioch.
Alexander succeeds Evarestus as bishop of Rome.
Pliny goes to Bithynia as propraetor.
Trajan returns to Europe.
Pliny writes to Trajan, and persecutes in Bithynia
Zacchaeus succeeds Justus as bishop of Jerusalem.
Insurrection of the Jews in Egypt and Cyrene.
Basilides, a leader of the Gnostics at Alexandria, and Saturninus at Antioch.
Xystus succeeds Alexander as bishop of Rome.
Trajan dies, August 10. Hadrian succeeds.
Aelia Capitolina built on the site of Jerusalem.
Aquila translates the Jewish Scriptures into Greek.
Hadrian visits Alexandria.
Justus succeeds Primus as bishop of Alexandria.
Martyrdom of Symphorosa and her sons.
Hadrian visits Athens. Apoligies presented to him by Quadratus and Aristides.
Hadrian writes to M. Fundanus, proconsul of Asia, concerning the Christians.
Hadrian writes to Servianus, the consul, mentioning the Christians.
Cornelius succeeds Heros as bishop of Antioch.
Telesphorus succeeds Xystus as bishop of Rome.
Perpetual edict issued.
Eumenes succeeds Justus as bishop of Alexandria.
Revolt of the Jews under Bareochebas.
Justin Martyr leaves Palestine.
Bitthera taken. End of the Jewish war.
Marcus, the first Gentile bishop of Jerusalem.
Hadrian dies, July 10. Antouinus Pius succeeds.
Telesphorus, bishop of Rome, martyred. Hyginus succeeds; while he was bishop (138-142) Valentinus and Cerdon, leaders of the Gnostics, came to Rome.
Heros succeeds Cornelius as bishop of Rome.
Marcion, a leader of the Gnostics, came to Rome.
Pius succeeds Hyginus as bishop of Rome.
Marcus succeeds Eumenes as bishop of Alexandria.
Justin Martyr presented his First Apology to Antoniuus.
Celadion succeeds Marcus as bishop of Alexandria.
Anicetus succeeds Pius as bishop of Rome.
Polycarp visits Rome.
Hegesippus flourishes.
Autoninus Pius died, March 7. Marcus Aurelius succeeds.
Cassianus succeeds Marcus as bishop of Jerusalem.
Justin Martyr presented his Second Apology in this reign.
Death of Papias.
Death of Justin Martyr.
Death of Peregrinus, mentioned by Lucian.
Tatian founded the sect of Eueratites.
Apology of Athenagorus, or in 177.
Bardesanes flourished.
Martyrdom of Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna.
Soter succeeds Anicetus as bishop of Rome.
Agrippinus succeeds Celadion as bishop of Alexandria.
Theophilus succeeds Heros as bishop of Antioch.
Montanus began his heresy.
Eleutherus succeeds Soter as bishop of Rome.
Miracle of the Thundering Legion.
Insurrection of Avidius Cassius in Syria.
Persecution at Lyons. Pothinus, the bishop, martyred; succeeded by Irenaeus.
Apology of Athenagoras, or in 166.
Theophilus writes his work to Autolyeus.
M. Aurelius dies, March 17. Commodus succeeds.
Irenaeus writes his great work against the Gnostics in this reign,
Apology of Miltiades.
Julianus succeeds Agrippinus as bishop of Alexandria.
Maximinus succeeds Theophilus as bishop of Anticoh.
The Empress Crispina banished. Marcia, the mistress of Commodus, favors the Christians.
Maximus, bishop of Jerusalem.
Apollonius, senator of Rome, martyred.
Theodotion translates the Jewish Scriptures into Greek.
Philip, governor of Egypt, said to be a Christian.
Demetrius succeeds Julianus as bishop of Alexandra.
Pantaenus goes to India. Succeeded in the catechetical school of Alexandria by Clement.
Victor succeeds Eleutherus as bishop of Rome.
Serapion succeeds Maximinus as bishop of Antioch.
Commodus killed, December 31. Septimius Severus succeeds.
Byzantium taken. Theodotus goes to Rome; excommunicated by Victor for denying Christ to be God. His notions adopted by Artemas.
Victor quarrels with Asiatic Churches about the paschal festival.
Heresy of Pruxeas concerning the personality of the Son.
Rhodon flourishes.
Tertullian's Apology, or in 205
Tertullian became a Montanist.
Zephyrinus succeeds Victor as bishop of Rome.
Severus visits Alexandra. Persecution begins.
Leonides, the father of Origen, martyred, leaving his son seventeen years old.
Clement leaves Alexandria.
Symmachus translates the Jewish Scriptures into Greek.
Persecution continues in Egypt. Severus returns to Rome.
Secular games celebrated at Rome.
Alexander, a Cappadocian bishop, imprisoned.
Jude writes concerning Antichrist.
Tertullian's Apology, or in 198.
Tertullian writes against Marcion.
Severus and his sons go into Britain.
Severus dies at York, February 4. Caracalla and Geta succeed.
Asolepiades succeeds Serapion as bishop of Antioch.
Caracalla kills his brother Geta.
Origen went to Rome and returned to Alexandria.
Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem.
Origen sent for to Arabia.
Massacre at Alexandria by Caracalla. Origen went to Caesarea in Palestine.
Council of Carthage under Agrippinus concerning baptism administered by heretics.
Caracalla killed, April 8. Macrinus succeeds.
Philetus succeeds Asclepiades as bishop of Antioch.
Macrinus killed, June 3. Elagabalus succeeds.
Mammaea sends for Origen to Antioch, or in 229.
Callistus succeeds Zephryinus as bishop of Rome.
Elegabalus establishes the worship of the sun at Rome.
Elegabalus killed, March 6. Alexander succeeds.
Urbanus succeeds Callistus as bishop of Rome.
Alexander goes to Persia.
Mammaea sends for Origen to Antioch, or in 218.
Origen ordained at Caesarea; goes into Greece.
Zebinus succeeds Philetus as bishop of Antioch.
Pontianus succeeds Urbanus as bishop of Rome.
Origen returns to Alexandria. Councils held against him by Demetrius.
He finally leaves Alexandria, and settles at Caesarea. Becomes acquainted with Firmilianus, Athenodorus, and Theodorus.
Council held at Iconium concerning baptism administered by heretics.
Heraelas succeeds Demetrius as bishop of Alexandra.
Alexander killed, march 14. Maximinus succeeded.
Origen retires to Cappadocia; begins his Hexapla.
Maximinus killed in March. Gordian succeeds.
Origen visits Greece.
Anteros succeeds Pontianus as Bishop of Rome. Fabianus succeeds Anteros.
Origen returns to Caesarea.
Babylas succeeds Zebinus as bishop of Antioch.
Gregory, (Thaumaturgus,) bishop of Neocaesarea in Pontus, flourishes.
Beryllus, bishop of Bostra in Arabia, confounds the persons of the Trinity; convinced of his error by Origen.
Council of ninety bishops at Carthage; Privatus condemned.
Manes, or Manichaeus born.
Gordian killed in May by Philip, who succeeds to the empire.
Plotinus, the Platonic philosopher, settles in Rome.
Philip celebrates the secular games.
Dionysius succeeds Heraelas as bishop of Alexandria; Pierius succeeds to the catechetical school.
Christians persecuted at Alexandria.
Cyprian succeeds Donatus as bishop of Carthage. His election opposed by Novatus.
Philip killed in July by Decius, who succeeds to the empire.
Decius issues an edict for persecution.
Fabianus, bishop of Rome, martyred; see vacant.
Origen thrown into prison.
Cyprian obliged to leave Carthage.
Mazabanes succeeds Alexander as bishop of Jerusalem.
Fabius succeeds Babylas as bishop of Antioch.
Paul, the hermit, retires to the deserts in Egypt.
Schism at Carthage. Cyprian returns, holds a council, and settles the question of the lapsed.
Cornelius elected bishop of Rome; opposed by Novatian. Novatus goes to Rome.
Council held at Rome; Novatian condemned.
Decius killed in December. Gallus succeeds.
Council at Carthage of sixty-six bishops.
Council at Antioch. Demetrianus succeeds Fabius in that see.
Pestilence begins, which lasted fifteen years.
Persecution renewed by Gallus.
Council at Carthage of forty-one bishops.
Cornelius, bishop of Rome, martyred in September. Lucius succeeds.
Invasion of the Goths, etc. War with Persia begins.
Lucius, bishop of Rome, martyred in March. Stephen succeeds.
Gallus killed in May. Valerian succeeds.
Persecution stopped.
Death of Origen.
Marcianus, bishop of Arles, deposed for Novatianism.
Basilides and Martialis, Spanish bishops, deposed.
Controversy between Cyprian and Stephen concerning baptism administered by heretics. Council at Carthage decides against it.
Another Council at Carthage.
Valerian commences a persecution.
Stephen, bishop of Rome, martyred. Xystus succeeds.
Cyprian banished to Curubis.
Sabellius spreads his doctrines. Dionysius writes against them.
Macrianus renews the persecution. Dionysius banished to Cephron. Xystus martyred, and his deacon Laurentius. Cyprian martyred.
Valerian taken prisoner in Persia. Gallienus succeeds.
Gallienus stops the persecution.
Dionysius made bishop of Rome.
Paul of Samosata succeeds Demetrianns as bishop of Antioch.
Maerianus killed. Persecution stopped everywhere.
Theognostus succeeds Pierius in the catechetical school of Alexandria.
Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria, accused of holding erroneous notions concerning the divinity of Christ.
Dionysius publishes his refutation and defense.
Nepos maintains the doctrine of a millennium; opposed by Dionysius.
Porphyry came to Rome.
Hymeneus succeeded Mazabanes as bishop of Jerusalem.
First council of Antioch against Paul of Samosata for heresy.
Maximus succeeds Dionysius as bishop of Alexandria.
Gallienus killed. Claudius succeeds; some accounts make him to have persecuted.
Anatolius and Eusebius distinguish themselves at Alexandria.
Second council of Antioch. Paul deposed. Domnus succeeds.
Felix succeeds Dionysius as bishop of Rome.
Claudius dies in November. Aurelian succeeds.
Death of Plotinus.
Aurelian defeats Zenobia, and completes the deposition of Paul.
Eutyehianus succeeds Felix as bishop of Rome.
Aurelian dies, March 20. Tacitus succeeds, Sept. 25.
Probus succeeds to the empire, April 13
Timeus succeeds Domnus as bishop of Antioch.
Death of Manes, or Manichaeus.
Cyril succeeds Timeus as bishop of Antitoch.
Probus killed in August. Carus succeeds.
Numerianus stated to have persecuted.
Theonas succeeds Maximus as bishop of Alexandria.
Caius succeeds Entychianus as bishop of Rome.
Carus dies. Diocletian succeeds September 17.
Maximianus Herculeus made emperor.
Miracle of the Theban legion.
Dionysius, bishop of Paris, martyred.
Galerius and Constantius made Caesars.
Hieras begins his heresy.
Marcellinus succeeds Caius as bishop of Rome.
Persecution in the army.
Tyannus succeeds Cyril as bishop of Antioch.
Peter succeeds Theonas as bishop of Alexandra.
Persecution begins. Authiums, bishop of Nicomedia, martyred.
Hierocles writes against the Christians. Laetantius answers.
Herculeus in Rome. Marcellinus dies.
Galerius persecutes in the East.
Diocletian and Herculeus abdicate. Constantius and Galerius emperors. Severus and Maximinus Caesaers.
Constantius declines persecuting in Africa, Gaul, Spain, and Italy.
Council of Cirta in Africa.
Council of Illiberis in Spain.
Peter, bishop of Alexandria, publishes his canons about the lapsed.
Maximinus persecutes in the East.
Peter leaves Alexandria.
Meletian schism.
Constantius dies at York. Constantine takes the title of Caesar.
Maxentius declared emperor at Rome. Herculeus resumes the empire.
Severus marches to Rome, and is killed at Revenna.
Licinius and Maximinus take the title of emperor.
Alexander takes the title in Africa, and persecutes.
Pamphilus imprisoned at Caesarea. He and Eusebius write in Defence of Origen.
Cruelities in Egypt.
Antony retires to the deserts in Egypt.
Marcellus made bishop of Rome.
Persecution relaxes; renewed by Maximinus.
Pamphilus suffers martyrdom.
Cruelities in Palestine.
Eusebius writes against Hierocles.
Arnobius writes.
Eusebius succeeds Marcellus as bishop of Rome; dies, and is succeeded by Melchiades.
Alexander killed in Africa.
Galerius issues an edict for stopping the persecution, and dies.
Peter returns to Alexandria, and excommunicates Meletius.
Acts of Pilate forged.
Lucianus martyred at Antioch.
Peter suffers martyrdom. Antony returns to his solidary life.
Origin of Donatism at Carthage.
Constantine marches against Maxentius. Vision of the cross.
Defeat and death of Maxentius.
Achillas made bishop of Alexandria.
Edict in favor of the Christians.
Defeat and death of Maximinus.
Constantine decides in favor of Caecilianus at Carthage.