How OFTEN do we hear one say, "He is so SPIRITUAL"? Or, "Those people are not very spiritual"? What is true spirituality - do you know? We need, just now, to be warned against being deceived into a fa ...
Portugal Takes Giant Leap Leftward: After the initial euphoria that followed the end of the authoritarian Caetano regime, a haunting question remained: Would General Antonio Spinola, ostensibly at the ...
We are in the last days of this present world. God's Church has not been ready for Christ's coming. Here's the way to become ready. OUR TIME FOR finishing the Work of God may now be very short. Th ...
Are Christians saved by faith without obedience to God's law? Does grace do away with the law? Are the Ten Commandments the "law of Moses"? Here's the truth about this pivotal question! JOHN DOE is a ...